A Chronicle of My Adventures on "The Patriot"

Fortitudine Vincimus -- "By Endurance We Conquer"
ride hard, ride far, ride safe

Friday, August 27, 2010

2010 Motorcycle Grand Tour of Virginia - Trip 6

On Saturday, August 28, my wife Anne and I are riding to the Hampton Roads and Eastern Shore area to catch nine more stops during our 2010 Motorcycle Grand Tour of Virginia (http://www.motorcycleva.com/).  When we complete this ride, we will have visited a total of 56 locations since May 1, 2010.  That leaves us only 26 more locations to visit before the deadline of November 1, 2010 to visit all 82 locations.  Click on http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=1e514c77949f9d63e to check out our progress on a map real time visiting these locations.